Do you or your team members struggle to…?
-Business and financial objectives
-Group/Unit/Department prestige
-Personal development goals
-Career advancement opportunities
Typically an intensive and creative 2.5-day classroom immersion into the key behavioral strategies and tools to establish and maintain business value-oriented relationships with internal and external clients and client teams.
It is ideally suited for new or existing teams that seek to raise client value perceptions of their capabilities. It addresses how to transform client perceptions from “service providers” to “insightful advisors”.
Participants regularly compliment us on our rigorous internal team case studies, which may optionally be customized as needed or left intact. The intended educational insights that all teams generate are transferable to their real life responsibilities through the team experience and professionally facilitated debriefs. Clients tell us this course repeatedly receives the highest participant satisfaction ratings of all their offerings from any source.
Even our standardized classroom education is “consultatively” custom fit to our clients and delivered through sponsored private sessions only, with session sizes typically limited to 30 participants to augment participatory learning.
Some clients may choose to invite other groups/departments or a non competing supplier/partner to economically help share FLAT FEE program costs.
Collectively learn how to distinguish behaviors that lead others to conclude you're consultative.
Everyone understands that any one-time learning may only accomplish some "quick-fix" benefit UNLESS reinforced over time as appropriate.
Supplemental options, such as refresher workshops, online "collaboratory" communities, chat groups, tactical Q&A coaching, etc. may be priced separately. Please contact as interested.
Join the thousands at competing firms that have already experienced this transformative training! The opportunity is right here, right now... You just need to take it.
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Regardless of whether a Consultative Skills class may be suitable today, let's keep in touch about Consultative Skills and related educational opportunities. Just provide the information below AND remember to also reply to the confirming email.
You can then download a one-page Consultative Skills Class Summary to help you explore internal support. Thank you.