Corporate TEAMS & Execs - Click to Learn from Consortium of Top Global Coaches

Consultative Skills Face-To-Face Class for 6-30 people

Do you or your team call yourselves consultants? Does every member appear that way to your internal/external clients? When you meet a prospective new client, what will show him or her in the first 5 minutes that EACH of you truly are operating as a consultant?

What benefits might a more consultative team accomplish if you learned how to Lead Consultative Teams?

-Business and financial objectives
-Group/Unit/Department prestige
-Personal development goals
-Career advancement opportunities

Consultative Skills: Influential Collaboration is typically an intensive and creative 3-day classroom immersion into the key behavioral strategies and tools to establish and maintain business value-oriented relationships with internal and external clients and client teams. It is ideally suited for new or existing teams that seek to raise client value perceptions of their capabilities. It addresses how to transform client perceptions from “service providers” to “insightful advisors”.

Participants regularly compliment us on our rigorous internal team case studies, which may optionally be customized as needed or left intact. The intended educational insights that all teams generate are transferable to their real life responsibilities through the team experience and professionally facilitated debriefs. Clients tell us this course repeatedly receives the highest participant satisfaction ratings of all their offerings from any source.


50% Complete

First of Two Steps

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